When you want to live again

Posted by PL Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Udta hi firoon, in hawao mei kahin
Ya mai jhul jaun, in ghatao mei kahin
Ek kar doon aasmaan aur zameen.

This song reflects so much more than just love. It celebrates life. For no apparent reason, right now, suddenly, I feel like going back to every single day of my life and relive them. I keep thinking how I would have acted differently in some past situation or the other, but I would hardly want my life to have gone any other way. Maybe it's only that desire to know what might have happened had I done or not done something.

While going to the office early in the morning, mostly alone, there is often a cold rush of breeze flowing. Just a short walk of 5 minutes from the metro to the office building is enough to let ones' thoughts wander. Before being jolted back to reality on entering the building, I love that 5 minute walk which is almost like going through a flashback of all those days. The oddest part is, I feel nostalgic about the days I spent even a month back. Surely that is strange.

But you have to give it to this feeling called nostalgia. I guess this is the only state when you are both happy and sad beyond measure. It's the only time when the most embarrassing moments bring a smile. The only occasion when you want to fight again for being given run-out in gully cricket and "lol" about it. The humdrum of those party nights with friends.  The few minutes when you want to be in that state of despair again, knowing that you would come back stronger. The chance to relish that win once more. Learning skating. Best friend's tiffin. Getting punished because of not cleaning shoes by teacher. Mom's lap.

I just love LIFE.

P.S. Image taken from http://thejackette.net/

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